Festival dates were Wednesday 18 September to Saturday 21 September 2024
A successful festival and the beer lasted until Saturday night – just!
Provisional dates for 2025 are Wednesday 17 – Saturday 20 September.

It’s the 50th anniversary of the first ever York CAMRA Beer Festival!
Buy your advance tickets here: York beer and cider festival 2024 tickets
PLEASE NOTE: We are cashless – payment by card and contactless only.
We will be serving around 200 local and national cask and keg beers from a wide selection of breweries plus plenty of ciders and perries. This includes selected beers from independent Yorkshire breweries, including those within 25 miles of York. There will be an excellent range of ales, craft beers, ciders and perries from around the UK together with a choice of wines, mead and soft drinks.
A mix of beer styles in cask dispensed as handpull or gravity and complemented by craft key keg and keg. We expect to have a cornucopia of tastes to experience in September. We will have our 50th anniversary festival special brewed in conjunction with Yorkshire Heart Brewery.
Our LocAle beers have been blind tasted and the winners are:
GOLD: Baby Faced Assassin – Roosters
SILVER: Holy Moly – Wilde Child
BRONZE: Aurum – Yorkshire Heart
The complete list can be found on the Drinks Lists page and non-alcoholic draught beer will be served on the keg bar.
Cider and Perry
Cider and perry are better than ever, with the quality on offer increasing yearly. A trend has been for fruity ciders, with all sorts of things added, typically meaning they have a lot of sugar and are very sweet.
Although lovely in their own right, the traditional ciders are often much more excellent once you slow down and find the flavours stored within.
We are blessed here at York to have some real cider and perry experts, so if you are unsure, we would be delighted to help you find the perfect cider and perry with 30 on sale in the church.
The list of ciders and perries can be found on the Drinks Lists page.
Wine and Mead
We are featuring a range of white, rose and red wine, and white fizz plus the ever popular mead selection.
The list of wines and meads can be found on the Drinks Lists page.
Water is available free of charge in the church and soft drinks can be bought from the caterers.
Our 50th anniversary festival souvenir glass

Is just what you need for your choice of drinks. (we have wine glasses as well).
You can buy these for a mere £3 from the glasses cabin on the right just after you’ve checked in and before you get to the church. We also have half pint goblets for sale if that’s your preference.